5 Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident

Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers
4 min readJan 30, 2023

In the United States, motorcycle accidents are a serious issue that can lead to severe injuries and even death. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in a crash than occupants of a passenger car. Additionally, they are five times more likely to be injured in a crash than car occupants.

Given the increased risk of injury or death in motorcycle accidents, riders must know what steps to take after a crash. This can help protect your rights and interests and ensure you receive the medical treatment and compensation you need to recover. The first steps you take after a collision should be the following:

  • Check for injuries
  • Contact the police
  • Document the scene
  • Contact your insurance provider
  • Seek legal counsel

Step 1: Check for Injuries

This is the most crucial step after a motorcycle accident, as it concerns the safety and well-being of the riders and any passengers involved. The immediate aftermath of an accident can be chaotic and confusing, but it’s essential to prioritize checking for injuries.

The importance of seeking medical attention immediately after an accident cannot be overstated. Even if you feel fine, getting a medical evaluation is essential to rule out any internal or head injuries that may not be immediately obvious.

In some cases, symptoms of serious injuries may not appear until hours or even days after the accident. By seeking medical attention immediately, you can ensure that any injuries are identified and treated as soon as possible.

Step 2: Contact the Police

Contacting the police and filing a report is essential for several reasons. They create an official record of the accident to be used in an insurance claim or lawsuit. The police report will include important information such as the date and time of the accident, the location, a description of the vehicles involved, and the names and contact information of any witnesses.

Additionally, contacting the police is also crucial for safety reasons. The police will be able to control traffic and make sure that the accident scene is safe for all parties involved. They will also be able to determine if any laws were broken and issue citations if necessary.

When the police arrive, provide them with your contact information, insurance information, and the registration for your motorcycle. Be honest and cooperative when answering questions about the accident. Furthermore, they can help gather the other driver’s contact and insurance information, including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Insurance information

Step 3: Document the Scene

Documenting the accident scene can be critical in preserving evidence for an insurance claim or lawsuit. Take photos and videos of the damage to your motorcycle and the other vehicles involved. This can help establish the damage’s extent and can be used as evidence in an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Document the scene by taking photos of the road conditions, traffic signs, and the overall layout of the area. Preserve any other evidence that may be important for an insurance claim or lawsuit. This may include clothing or helmets worn during the accident and any other personal items damaged in the accident.

Step 4: Contact Your Insurance Company

Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible, as there may be time limits. To contact your insurance company, locate your insurance policy and find the contact information for your insurance agent or the claims department. You can usually find this on the insurance company’s website or on the back of your insurance card.

When you contact your insurance company, provide them with several pieces of information. This will include the accident’s date, time, and location, as well as the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any other drivers involved in the accident. You will also need to provide your motorcycle’s insurance policy number and the make, model, and license plate number.

It’s important to be honest and cooperative when talking to your insurance company. Still, you should also be aware that anything you say can be used against you in the claims process. Therefore, avoid making any statements that might be used against you later, and contact a lawyer if you’re unsure about how to proceed.

Step 5: Seek Legal Counsel

You should consider seeking legal counsel if the accident resulted in serious injuries, facing a dispute with the other driver’s insurance company, or if you are unsure how to proceed with a claim. Consult the legal team at Friedman & Simon to understand your rights and options and guide you through the legal process.

Working with an experienced attorney can also help you navigate the legal process, which can be complex and time-consuming. An attorney can help you understand the laws that apply to your case and can help you to gather and present the evidence that is needed to support your claim.

Additionally, an attorney can negotiate with the other driver’s insurance company and pursue legal action if necessary. They can also help ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. They can help you calculate the full extent of your losses, including future medical expenses, lost earning capacity, and pain and suffering.

Rebuilding Your Life After a Motorcycle Accident

Consulting with a personal injury attorney specializing in motorcycle accidents can help you understand your rights and options, navigate the legal process, ensure that you receive fair compensation, and protect your rights and interests during the claims process.

A motorcycle accident can be a traumatic event that can lead to severe injuries and significant property damage. Riders must know what steps to take in the aftermath of a crash to protect their rights and interests and ensure they receive the medical treatment and compensation they need to recover.

It’s important to take quick action after a crash to preserve evidence, document the scene, and contact the insurance company and legal counsel as soon as possible. It’s also important to seek medical attention immediately.



Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers

If you find yourself in a difficult situation after a personal injury, we are here to take care of your legal needs! https://www.friedmansimon.com/